-elfayrea rech nayn aeam-



It's been a bit, eh?
We've all been so busy making the manor fit for the weather,
Grounds are looking simply gorgeoifacent, and oh! the trees!
it makes me smile.
we got a new coffee dripper the other day
tia broke it, but we fixed it, silly
and it is absolutely fab. =)

whether weather,
I have some work to do with the cherry trees,
such a load at times, but like love...
...er something, oh bother,

-belle =)


night of fun

Righty-O! oooo, I could burst wishing you could join us. Grace and liss and belle and oh just everybody are going to play hide and seek in the stacks this evening! We ought not to play in the library but mistress says it’s alright so, yes.
It really is silly, some of us all grown up I suppose. But we are the Fam! I would never understand how people get along without 20 or so cousins to get along WITH...sighing
whether weather
-Tia <3


quiet eve's

It is raining again. It’s ok I guess, but it makes me feel kinda weird coz everyone goes off to either the hall or the boxes and it get’s real quiet up here. Yes I’m in the sitting rume cases you all might wonder. It is peaceful, but you know how it is. Belle has been singing a lot lately and I have this tune stuck in my head. I should probably go listen to some music then eh? Silly me.

Ok, I have the music. It is old 1920’s american stuff. But it’s good for american. I wonder what they are watching down at the boxes... I’ll go see

Opera, oh sweet. Ok gunna go watch. Catchya enIene.