-elfayrea rech nayn aeam-



wow. That was fast.
Merry Christmas!


park ride gone... purple

Belle: "By Cedric's Whiskers! Tis a purple cow! A PURPLE COW!"

so yeah that was pretty much our drive int park.
I know, dumb idea, every last tree in sight was a cow...arrgg
Other than belle and the cowthingy it was fun, nice day anyways


purple cow

Ok. Wow

so after our game of H&S this eve (which SOMEONE ::nudgism-TIA-nudgism:: giggled like halfway thrue) some of us stayed and we're standing by the a shelf (yeah duh, it's a library, but whatever) and belle was leaning on one, and I said something about she shouldn't lean on it and ugh
me: "and stop leaning on...the - - purple - - cow"
and duh, that was stupid. (But hey! That's what it honestly looked like!)

it turned out to be just "The Pursuits of Commanders" some biography on generals er something

So belle has been saying purple cows ALL LUNDIN DAY

you ask ME why I bug her sometimes